Learn How to Use CattleSort

Enter a New List- CattleSort revolves around the ability to create lists in a user-friendly way. The enlarged numbers and letters make it so the user can enter numbers easily.

First you start off by entering a name for the list you want to create (Note: you cannot proceed without entering a list name). Secondly you select the tag colors of the animals you have, this may or may not apply to you depending on size and make up of your herd. You can select as many colors as you want, and if you only have one set of tag colors or do not want to use them simply select do not use tag colors. Now you are ready to begin creating a list.

We use the term “Primary” for the visual ear tag number on a animal. This is the number a rancher uses on an everyday basis to identify his individual animals. You will need to enter a primary number to save an animal. You can also enter a secondary ID such a bangs number or EID for shipping and selling. If you have both an EID and bangs number there is a 3rd ID option as well.

The save/enter buttons are either the male or female button making it so that the user can easily sort lists upon completion. Examples of this are, but are not limited to, a branding list so one can know how many animals of each sex are at the branding, also in the shipping of pairs out to pasture in knowing how many of each sex are in specific places. If you are simply doing a list of female animals use the female button to save.

If you want to enter your numbers by voice press the voice button. You will still need to press male or female to save it to your list.

Need to make a note on a individual animal? We have you covered there as well, simply press note on the keypad then enter your note and it will be saved until later.

At the bottom left of your screen you will see a button that says See Whole List; when pressed it takes you to a notepad view of all the animals entered. When viewing you can click on individual animals to correct numbers, sexes, tag colors and notes entered.

You can also delete a animal from a list if needed. After making corrections on the individual animal press save and it will take you back to the list.

You will also see the number of animals entered at the top of the list. When done viewing or correcting press continue adding to the end of the list to resume entering.

Upon completion of list press save and close. Your list you entered will now be saved as an original list and can be accessed from the main page. If you are just taking a lunch break and want to continue entering after, you can access it from the original list menu and press continue adding to list

Create Autofill list- Enter the first and last ID to fill in the ID’s in the middle numbers.

An example of how this function would be used when putting bangs tags or EIDs in cattle. First a person would run their cows through the chute and enter the primary ear tag numbers, while putting the bangs tags in the cow’s ears keeping them in order. The only bangs tag you would need to keep track of is the first and last put in the cow.

Original Lists- These are lists that the user has entered using the cattle sort key pad. When you select a list, you will be presented with 11 different sorting options which will be explained below. Once a list is modified, the original list will stay the same so a user can use it further.

Modified lists- These are lists than cannot be modified any further. You can delete and alter single animals in these lists but cannot be modified as a whole.

Sorting Options

Continue Adding to list- This makes it so you can pick up where you left off entering a list. If your phone dies or you simply take a break you can continue inputting at any time.

View Original List- This is a simple view of the list. You can edit individual animals but nothing else.

Sex- The sex option allows a user to see how many of each gender of animal in a list. This is extremely useful in brandings and shipping calves.

Simple Sort- Perhaps the simplest and most useful tool on CattleSort. This takes your list and puts it in numerical order.

Merge- Merge takes two lists and combines them as one. Say you have a list of cows ran through the chute, then you use Autofill to have a lists of bangs numbers. This merges those two IDs into one animal. So now you have all of your data on a cow in one place.

Sort by Color- This feature takes all the different ear tag colors in one list and separates them. These lists are made to be an original list so you can sort them further.

Check-Off- A check off list takes a list and allows you to put a checkmark next to it. You can than save the checked and unchecked into separate lists. This is extremely useful in pairing out cattle to separate pastures.

Pull Data from My Animal Herd- This pulls all data on a individual animal from your Animal Herd. From just the primary number (ear tag number) you can pull the 2nd ID, 3rd ID, Sex and any notes saved on a animal.

Delete- This will delete your entire list, this cannot be undone and you should be positive you want to delete it if you make that decision.

Modified lists- These are lists than cannot be modified any further. You can delete and alter single animals in these lists but cannot be modified as a whole.

Export a List- This allows you to export a list to any email to be viewed or printed.

My Animal Herd

The My Animal Herd features allow quick and easy access to any data you have saved on a cow. There are three ways in which to get animals onto your animal herd. First is to individually enter them. Secondly you can create a list using the enter new list option than add the entire list to your herd. The third option takes into account all the users that have this data stored in a Excel spreadsheet. You can import your data into CattleSort without the hassle of entering manually. This option is only available using the website CattleSort.com, more information on this is found on the import data option when logged into the website.

Once you have your animals stored in My Animal Herd is when the real magic happens. You can create an original list of just primary ear tags than select the pull data from My Animal herd option. This will pull all secondary data so you do not have to search for it. This makes it extremely easy to get bangs numbers or EIDs to vets for health papers.

View My Animal Herd- This allows you to view all of your animals in your herd. Once viewing your herd, you can enter individual animals in, edit or delete.

Manage lists in herd- You can add or remove any previously added lists to you herd from here.

Note: if you delete a list from original lists it will not delete it from your animal herd if it is added there. But if you have deleted the original list, than remove it from the herd; your data on those animals will not be saved.