
Breeding Records made simple.
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$9.99/year (works on tablet and mobile)

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Breeding Records Made Simple

PregCheck is a simple way to make your breeding records more organized. You will never lose a list made on pad and paper again and your records will be one click away at all times. You can save all your herd data and access it from a smartphone or tablet anytime. With our patented voice controlled custom keypad entering animals into list has never been easier. This app was made by a cow calf producer and all functions are based on real life experiences with real solutions to our industries simplest problems. It was made for cattle but is compatible with all livestock.

Functions within PregCheck include:

Create a List - create lists using days pregnant, cycles, months, or simply pregnant or open.

Sort - separates out each group so you know how many you have pregnant in a cycle month or amount of days.

Color sort - will sort your lists so you can look at individual tag colors separately. 

Additional Features - You can enter the amount of babies on individual animals. (Especially useful for sheep, goats, pigs or any other animal that has more than one offspring)

Check out CattleSort in the App Store today.

©™ 2018 Patent Pending